Electrical Safety to become a legal requirement
06 Nov 2019
LANDLORDS: Electrical safety certification is drawing closer to becoming a legal requirement
We have been watching closely the government developments following The House and Planning Act 2016 and what impact that might have on our landlords.
The Regulations 2019 have made progression in terms of sections 122 and 123, which have come into force.
Whilst the progression has not yet enforced for electrical safety certification to be completed on private rental properties, it has issued for the Secretary of State (Sos) to produce regulations for electrical safety in the near future. This means that electrical safety certification is going to become a legal requirement for landlords. We are just awaiting to know when.
It is the SoS who will deem how often the checks are completed, and by who, during any period where there is a tenancy in situ on the property.
The main check which this will cover would be a domestic electrical installation certificate (DEIC) and likely this check would need to be completed every 5 years.
Another check which this will covered would be portable appliance testing (PAT), this would include any white goods or electrical appliances which come with the property as part of the tenancy. This check would likely need to be completed annually.
The Sos will also be reviewing the penalties for landlords who fail to comply with the regulations.
What does this mean for you?
At present, the Oxford City Council HMO department require all licenced HMO properties to have valid electrical safety certification which includes DEIC and PAT checks. But when regulations comes into fruition it will be a requirement on all rental properties (including HMO and non-HMO properties).
At present, while not a legal requirement, it is best practice on a private rental property to have these checks completed and valid certificates in place.
It is likely that when it becomes a legal requirement, and the demand for these checks increases, the price in particular of a DEIC is likely to increase. It may be prudent to beat the rush and get your property covered for 5 years now.
Not only may is safe some costings, it will also ensure the property is ready for when the new laws come into place securing your property is fully compliant and safe for your tenants.
If you would like to enquire about booking for a DEIC and PAT for your property please get in touch.
For further detail on the sections please follow the link below: